Dark fates foretold in ancient scriptures, intuited by man, writ large across our modern skies. Now more than ever it’s important that we prepare for the coming end of days. If you don’t have your ducks in a row by now for the basics of disaster preparedness then do yourself a favor—turn off your computer box, stop reading this article, and get yourself to the nearest general store for basic supplies.

Are you ready? Read on.

If you’re anything like me, you’re already well-equipped to deal with the coming onslaught of emergencies headed our way, both man-made and God-sent. But with the basics out of the way, now is the time to wonder: do you have enough coffee and coffee-making essentials stored properly to survive in your basement, first floor, second floor, garage, office, vehicles, and emergency bug-out bag? If the answer is no, this is your listicle.
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